There's more value to being clean when on the trail than just smelling better to your partner. You'll sleep better, be less likely to develop rashes, be less attractive to bugs, and keeping yourself and your things clean will help reduce the presence of bacteria and other nasties. But a bar or Irish Spring or box of Tide won't cut it on the trail. This versatile camp soap is biodegradable, concentrated and can be used for cleaning hands, body, hair, clothing, dishes, and more. It is fragrance-free and works in fresh or saltwater and in hot or cold temperatures. This camp soap comes in a small 2-ounce bottle, enough to last for several trips. Just a few drops from its convenient dispenser cap gives quick, effective suds. Not that you'll likely be taking a luxurious bath while on the trail, but a quick wash-off and rinse for yourself and/or your socks whenever you get the chance will do wonders for your disposition. We suggest carrying some of this soap, some waterless anti-bacterial handwash, a handy dandy (to dig yourself a hole when in need), and a few of those famous Moist Towelettes in your pack. Carry just enough to get you thru your trip; transfer to smaller bottles to reduce weight and space. For more info, see our .